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Title: The algorithm of scientific concepts formation in the junior pupils in the learning process.
Authors: Лоюк, Оксана Вікторівна
Грітченко, Тетяна Яківна
Keywords: junior pupils
scientific concepts
visual-figurative thinking
conceptual thinking
problem question
meaningful generalization
mental activity formation
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Poland. Katowice : Publishing House of Katowice School of Technology
Citation: Нritchenko T., Loiuk O. The algorithm of scientific concepts formation in the junior pupils in the learning process. Theoretical and applied aspects of sustainable development. Poland. Katowice : Publishing House of Katowice School of Technology, 2020. Monograph 33. 227 p. Pp. 117–123.
Abstract: The article reveals the urgency of the problem of scientific concepts formation in junior pupils. The algorithm for the scientific concepts formation in junior pupils has been based on the synthesis of M. Maslova’s concept of thinking integrity; Y. Ponomariov’s research on the inner action plan; Yu. Kulyutkin and G. Sukhobskaya’s position on transition from the operational components of visual-thinking to the content components of the conceptual, research psychologists (O. Kulchytska, O. Luk, O. Molyako, etc.) about the creative process structure; P. Halperin and N. Talyzina’s research results concerning mental actions and concepts formation. The conclusions about the algorithm effectiveness for the scientific concepts formation in junior Pupils in the process of studying the disciplines “I am in the world” and “Natural science” have been presented.
Appears in Collections:Факультет початкової освіти

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