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Title: Theoretical bases of forming students’ research competence in science lessons
Other Titles: Теоретичні основи формування дослідницької компетентності учнів на уроках природничих наук
Authors: Криворучко, Інна Ігорівна
Keywords: дослідницька компетентність
research competence
природничі науки
natural sciences
майбутні вчителі
future teachers
цифрові технології
digital technologies
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Institute of Public Administration Affairs
Citation: Kryvoruchko І.І. Theoretical bases of forming students’ research competence in science lessons. Science and education in the third millennium: Information Technology, Education, Law, Psychology, Social Sphere, Management : international collective monograph. Institute of Public Administration Affairs. Lublin, Polska, 2024. P. 85–108. DOI:
Series/Report no.: UDC;373.5.017-047.37-047.22]:[37.091.32:5]:303.01
Abstract: The modern information society needs well-trained teachers, especially in the field of natural sciences. This requires teachers to be oriented in the rapidly changing world of information, to be aware of educational and scientific innovations, to be able to use their knowledge and skills creatively, to strive for professional and personal growth, to have critical thinking, to be ready to conduct research and collaboration, and to have an active research attitude. The recent natural and man-made crises, such as Covid-19 and the full-scale Russian invasion, pose new challenges to education. That is why the training of future science teachers who can conduct research and organize students’ research activities, interest them in research and encourage them to participate in it is extremely important. This trend emphasizes the need to modernize approaches to the professional training of future science teachers, in particular in the development of their research competence. The article discusses different approaches to defining the concepts of «research competence», «research activity» and «research training». In the scientific literature, these terms are considered through the prism of other definitions related to the educational process. Terms such as «research training», «pedagogical research activity of students», «research activity», «technology of research training» are aimed at explaining how to develop research competencies and research skills.
Description: DOI:
ISBN: 978-83-8030-560-2
Appears in Collections:Факультет фізики, математики та інформатики

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