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Title: Calculation of the plastic zone at a crack tip with the use of the “trident” model
Other Titles: Расчет пластической зоны в конце трещины в рамках модели “трезубец”
Authors: Камінський, Анатолій Олексійович
Кіпніс, Леонід Абрамович
Колмакова, Віра Олексіївна
Keywords: plastic zone
Dugdale line
Weiner-Hopf method
Issue Date: 1997
Publisher: Springer New York
Citation: Kaminskii A.A. Calculation of the plastic zone at a crack tip with the use of the “trident” model/ AA Kaminskii, LA Kipnis, VA Kolmakova//Int. Appl. Mech.- 1997.- 33, №5.-P.407-413
Series/Report no.: UDC;539.375
Abstract: For plane-strain conditions, the initial plastic zone near the tip of a normal-rupture crack in a uniform isotropic elastoplastic body is usually modeled by two straight slip lines originating from the tip [7]. However, the results of independent experiments [3, 4] have shown that a prefracture zone is present along with lateral plastic zones directly in front of the crack. The prefracture zone is considerably shorter than the lateral zones, and the level of the stresses in it is extremely high. The process of initial plastic deformation near the end of the crack is ...
Appears in Collections:Факультет фізики, математики та інформатики

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