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Title: Analysis of plastic slip lines at the tip of a crack terminating at the interface of different media
Authors: Дудик, Михайло Володимирович
Кіпніс, Леонід Абрамович
Павленко, Олександр Васильович
Keywords: Wiener–Hopf
plastic zone
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: International Applied Mechanics
Citation: Dudik M.V. Analysis of plastic slip lines at the tip of a crack terminating at the interface of different media / MV Dudik, LA Kipnis, AV Pavlenko// International Applied Mechanics,vol.32(2) - Springer US, 2002. - P.197-202
Series/Report no.: UDC;539.375
Abstract: The slip lines at the tip of a mode I crack are analyzed by using the Wiener–Hopf technique within the scope of a plane (plane-strain) static problem of elastic theory. The crack terminates at the interface with a corner point between two isotropic media. The slip lines are located at the interface. They simulate the plastic zone near the crack tip in a piecewise-homogeneous quasibrittle body in the case where the contacting materials are much stiffer than the more plastic bonding material.
Appears in Collections:Факультет фізики, математики та інформатики

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