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Title: On the dugdaill model for a crack at the interface of different media
Other Titles: О модели Дагдейла для трещины на границе раздела различных сред
Authors: Камінський, Анатолій Олексійович
Кіпніс, Леонід Абрамович
Колмакова, Віра Олексіївна
Keywords: plastic zone
Dugdaill model
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: Springer New York
Citation: Kaminskii A.A. On the dugdaill model for a crack at the interface of different media/ AA Kaminskii, LA Kipnis, VA Kolmakova//Int. Appl. Mech.- 1999.- 35, №1.-P.58-63
Series/Report no.: UDC 539.3
Abstract: Within the framework of a plane static problem, we calculate the initial plastic zone near the end of a crack located at the interface of two different homogeneous isotropic media whose Young's moduli and Poisson coefficients are E l, E 2 and vl, v 2. Following the localization hypothesis [7], the initial plastic zone is modeled by a plastic band that starts from the end of the crack and corresponds to the Dugdaill model. It is assumed that the materials of the contacting bodies are considerably harder than the more plastic material of the binder ( ...
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