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Title: Cтан комплексної механізації виробничих процесів у землеробстві Української РСР (60-80-ті роки ХХ ст.)
Authors: Лісовська, Ольга Василівна
Keywords: Ukrainian SSR
material and technical support
complex mechanisation
production processes
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Еuropean philosophical and historical discourse
Citation: Лісовська О.В. Cтан комплексної механізації виробничих процесів у землеробстві Української РСР (60-80-ті роки ХХ ст.) // Еuropean philosophical and historical discourse. Volume 5. Issue 2. 2019. 112 с. С. 45-51.
Abstract: The article makes an attempt to highlight the condition of complexs mechanisation of production processes in agriculture of Ukrainian SSR in 1960s - 1980s. The intention of the state concerning complex mechanisation of agricilture and reorganization of the machine and tractor fleet are considered. It is concluded that in the late 1980s there was not efficient manufacture of machines necessary to provide complex mechanisation of production processes in agriculture. The gaps in the mechanisation of production processes reduced the efficiency of using a machine fleet. Quality, reliability of machines were orter unsatisfactory and their designs were outdated. The state manager the provision of agriculture with material and technical resources using quantitative parameters and prevailing tendencies of gigantomania.
Appears in Collections:Історичний факультет

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