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Authors: Нестеренко, Інна Борисівна
Keywords: smart technologies; foreign language teaching; TED Talks platform; smart education
Issue Date: Nov-2021
Publisher: Ужгородський національний університет
Citation: Нестеренко І. Б. Смарт-технології навчання під час вивчення іноземної мови. Науковий вісник Ужгородського університе¬ту. Серія: Педагогіка. Соціальна робота. Ужгород, 2021. Вип. 2 (49). С. 116 – 120.
Series/Report no.: УДК;373.016:81’243]:681.5
Abstract: Abstract. The article considers the issue of teaching a foreign language to students of high-level institutions. The purpose of the article is to investigate the educational potential of TED Talks as a powerful tool that can be effectively used for preparing future professionals to communicate in an academic and professional environment. The democratic, apolitical and unpredictable nature of the TED Talks platforms was emphasized, as well as the value of this project in expanding the students’ worldview. The significance and relevance of the TED Talks project are substantiated. It is emphasized that the videos meet modern requirements for the formation of skills, competencies, and values, such as creativity, critical thinking, communicative visibility, media literacy, flexibility, etc. The main methods used in the article are divided into theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, modeling, classification) and empirical (document analysis, expert survey). The advantages of using and the urgency of implementation TED Talks presentations as educational material in English classes are outlined; the usefulness for students' socio-cultural development, vocabulary expansion, improvement of listening, reading, speaking skills, as well as the ability to make presentations and note what is heard is revealed. The analysis of numerous videos allowed us to determine the main criteria for video selection. We concluded that one of the main tasks of modern education is to create a stable students’ motivation to acquire knowledge, the other is to find new forms and tools for mastering this knowledge through creative solutions. The use of Smart learning technologies opens up many new opportunities in learning, which improve students' concentration, speed up a mastering of learning material and as a result, increase the success of each student.
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