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Title: Schoolchildren project activities organization in technology lessons. Contemporary technologies in the educational process. Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture
Other Titles: Організація проектної діяльності школярів на уроках технології. Сучасні технології в навчальному процесі. Серія монографій Архітектурний факультет
Authors: Терещук, Андрій Іванович
Абрамова, Оксана Віталіївна
Дорошенко, Наталя
Keywords: проєктна діяльність учнів
навчальний проєкт
проєктно-технологічна діяльність
проектування у навчальному процесі
етапи проектування
проектно-технологічна компетентність
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Publishing House of Katowice School of Technology
Citation: Schoolchildren project activities organization in technology lessons Contemporary technologies in the educational process. Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts Katowice School of Technology. 2020. 40. р.131-141. ISBN 978-83-957298-7-4 Monograph.
Series/Report no.: Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts Katowice School of Technology;40
Abstract: The article considers the design methodology in the lessons of technology and the peculiarities of organizing the design activities of schoolchildren. Analysis of student design activities from scientific foundations to school practice was carried out. This study describes the activities of students at each stage of the design implementation. The essence of the portfolio as an educational technology and the reasonable possibilities of the portfolio in the project activities of students are determined, which allow to structure the project activities of students, to increase their creativity in the project activities. Portfolio training technology is defined as a focused and interrelated process of students performing independent tasks to select optimal or best results of design and technological activities, with the aim of their presentation or evaluation. Separately, the structure and content of the portfolio of the teacher of labor training were considered, the main methodological approaches to the implementation of the project at labor training lessons were determined. This study can serve as a methodological material for teachers and methodologists in organizing student design activities.
Розкрито методичні підходи організації проєктної діяльності старшокласників на заняттях з технологій. Розглянуто методичні підходи використання технології портфоліо під час організації проєктної діяльності старшокласників.
ISBN: 978-83-957298-7-4
Appears in Collections:Факультет інженерно-педагогічної освіти

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