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Title: The Examination of Readiness of Primary School Teachers to Distance Learning in the System of Lifelong Education
Authors: Муковіз, Олексій Павлович
Keywords: Primary School Teachers’ Readiness
Distance Learning
System of Lifelong Education
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: GLOKALde is official e-journal of UDEEEWANA
Citation: Mukoviz O. P. The Examination of Readiness of Primary School Teachers to Distance Learning in the System of Lifelong Education / Oleksii P. Mukoviz // GLOKALde is official e-journal of UDEEEWANA. – 2016. – Volume 2. – Number 1. – P. 27–44. – [Electronic resourse]. – Mode of access :
Abstract: The article analyzes the state of readiness of primary school teachers to distance learning in the system of lifelong education. Motivational-value, operational and cognitive components which represent the structure of primary school teachers’ readiness to distance learning in the system of lifelong education are characterized. Four levels of readiness are defined: low, average, acceptable and high. 519 respondents participated in the experiment: 342 students who were trained in the speciality of “Primary Education” (educational qualification levels “specialist” and “master”), 81 primary school teachers and 96 lecturers of the Primary Education Faculty. The methodics of the experiment involved defining indicators, levels of primary school teachers’ readiness to distance learning in the system of lifelong education and the use of the following methods: questioning, conversation and observation. Methods of mathematical statistics were used to process the data.The analysis of the experiment results showed that primary school teachers’ readiness to distance learning in the system of lifelong education is predominantly within the low and average levels. Therefore, the formation of primary school teachers’ readiness to distance learning in the system of lifelong education can be carried out within the course “Fundamentals of Distance Learning in Primary Education”.
ISSN: 2148-7278
Appears in Collections:Факультет початкової освіти

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