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Title: Professional activity of technology engineers in terms of innovative development in food industry
Authors: Кравченко, Тамара Василівна
Keywords: Professional training
professional activity
technology engineer of food industry
innovative development
Issue Date: May-2017
Publisher: Умань : ФОП Жовтий О.О., 2017.
Citation: Professional activity of technology engineers in terms of innovative development in food industry / T. Kravchenko // Збірник наукових праць Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Пала Тичини / [гол. ред..: М.Т. Мартинюк]. – Умань : ФОП Жовтий О.О., 2017. – В. 1. – С. 224-231.
Series/Report no.: УДК;378
Abstract: The article considers future food industry technology engineers professional training under new social and economic conditions, analyzes philosophical, psychological points of view on food industry technology engineer creative professional activity, defines the place of food industry technology engineer professional activity in the manufacturing process, shows the elements of the organizational and psychological subsystems of food industry technology engineer professional activity and describes the technological, organizational, managerial, operational, project, scientific research functions of food industry technology engineer creative professional activity. The technological function means the work according to the technological standard of traditional and innovative food goods production. According to the organizational and managerial functions rhythmical goods production corresponding the necessary assortment and high quality as well as the organization of punctual supply, storage, preservation and rational usage of goods and materials are realized. The operational function is fulfilled while monitoring technological discipline and the proper operation of process equipment, in the organization of maintenance and repairing of equipment. In accordance with the project function a food industry technology engineer offers solutions of the goods range expanding, about introduction of new materials and innovative equipment; develops and approves new recipes and technologies of food production; develops documents for the new goods. Scientific research function is realized in the research process of domestic and foreign experience of production technologies, factors influencing the successful development of food business.
Appears in Collections:Факультет інженерно-педагогічної освіти

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