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Title: Вибрані питання ділового, креативного та академічного письма : навч. посіб. для студентів факультетів іноземних мов вищих навчальних закладів
Authors: Сушкевич, Ольга Валентинівна
Keywords: writing process
academic papers
creative papers
Issue Date: Oct-2019
Publisher: Умань: Візаві
Citation: Вибрані питання ділового, креативного та академічного письма : навч. посіб. для студентів факультетів іноземних мов вищих навчальних закладів / упоряд.: О. В. Сушкевич. Умань: Візаві, 2019. 120 с.
Series/Report no.: УДК;81.115 + 81’276.11
Abstract: Since writing has become one of the most essential parts of modern professional life, we address this manual to the MA students to master their skills in this sphere. The career of a teacher, linguist or translator as well as managing positions in different institutions requires writing a CV, a report or a project etc. Moreover, writing is also something you need in your everyday life when developing a story for a friend, or a letter. Sometimes writing is considered a tedious piece of work but as soon as a person acquires the essential elements, principles, and forms of it, this process turns to be a vivid and interesting activity. It boosts your critical thinking, imagination, and the ability to express yourself. In this book, we focus on fundamental kinds of business, creative, and academic writing which will help the students to succeed in their lives. The manual is targeted at developing the necessary ability to draft, edit and publish any kind of writing. We will show that writing is a bright process, which incorporates all kinds of human language acquisition and production, namely: – speaking while discussing the ideas with group mates, and friends; – listening while analyzing someone’s thoughts about a theme for writing; – reading while collecting the data for your paper.
Appears in Collections:Факультет іноземних мов

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