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Title: Collaboration in high education as the factor of improving ELT training in the Netherlands.
Authors: Колісніченко, Ангеліна Іванівна
Keywords: collaboration
Dutch educational system
educational standards
Issue Date: Dec-2019
Publisher: 37 Cours Albert Thomas
Citation: Kolisnichenko А.І. Collaboration in high education as factor of improving ELT training in the Netherlands. Journal of science. Lyon. №2. 2019. P. 49-52.
Abstract: This article explores types of collaboration in education which benefit English language teacher (ELT) training in the Netherlands. The Dutch education system operates rather effectively because of successful subordination to high educational standards of teachers' training at all levels of education and has a great academic diversity. Moreover, each educational establishment can choose the way of teaching, main principles to follow, relevant materials to choose, etc. but the main drawback in this diversity can be a great difference in the level of ELT training. These differences in academic level without collaboration can be a reason of a number of problems in meeting academic expectations and reaching educational outcomes in ELT training. The paper uses qualitative analysis in order to gain insights into issue of academic collaboration. The article aim is to discover the importance and needs for involving all participants of educational process into collaborative academic activities. The most important ways for collaboration were defined in this article. Future plans of improving work in the direction of collaboration according to recently approved documents and new opportunities are also discussed. Among other, it is suggested some agenda documents which show the perspective roadmap for reaching preferable collaboration.
Appears in Collections:Факультет іноземних мов

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