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Title: ICT architecture for networks activities of higher education institutions
Authors: Безлюдний, Олександр Іванович
Чепка, Ольга Володимирівна
Омельяненко, Віталій Анатолійович
Білошкурська, Наталія Володимирівна
Білошкурський, Микола Васильович
Keywords: digitalization
technology transfer
Issue Date: Feb-2020
Publisher: International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Citation: Bezliudnyi O., Chepka O., Omelyanenko V., Biloshkurska N., Biloshkurskyi M. ICT architecture for networks activities of higher education institutions. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research. 2020. № 9 (2). P. 3563–3570.
Abstract: This research addresses the issues of developing a methodology for the digitalization of education in the context of innovation trends. The role of ICT innovations is considered from the point of view of such approaches: an innovative practice-oriented project whose goal is to intensify the process of interaction between various types of scientific knowledge; identify the points of personal growth in these interactions, complexes of integration processes for the formation of an individual educational trajectory in the concept of practice-oriented learning, based on the competence approach; and creative & innovation spaces – general name of sites, that have the infrastructure and services for generating ideas and implementing of innovative projects. The research is carried out in three interdisciplinary aspects: content; managerial and creative-technological. The given scheme of R&D activities of HEI can be a base of digital transformation strategy and includes the following elements: technological forecasting; program management unit; project management block; requirements management block. Author has proposed to consider improving the HEI research & innovation strategy with the focus on ICT application. The given recommendations can be used by managers of HEI within the innovation strategies to improve the interaction between HEIs and business within the innovation networks.
ISSN: 2277-8616
Appears in Collections:Інститут економіки та бізнес-освіти

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