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Title: Future Engineering Educators’ Professional Mobility: Challenges And Opportunities
Other Titles: Професійна мобільність майбутніх інженерів-педагогів: проблеми та перспективи
Authors: Малишевський, Олег Володимирович
Keywords: professional education
engineering and pedagogical education
professional mobility
engineering educator
proactive training
engineering and pedagogical training
professional education content
integrative processes
Issue Date: 27-May-2021
Publisher: Умань : ВПЦ «Візаві»
Citation: Malyshevskyi O. Future engineering educators’ professional mobility: challenges and opportunities. Психолого-педагогічні проблеми сучасної школи. Умань: Візаві, 2021. Вип. 1(5). С. 143–150.
Series/Report no.: УДК;378.018.8:377.011.3-051]:316.444.5
Abstract: The paper substantiates the rationale for professional mobility formation in engineering educators. We emphasize the importance of professional mobility as a quality parameter of future engineering educators’ training. The research outlines the main modernization tendencies in engineering and pedagogical education content contributing to future specialists’ professional mobility. The study substantiates the principle of proactive training aimed at making engineering and pedagogical training oriented towards higher professional education seekers’ future professional activity. We note that proactive training is crucial in determining educational program content as well as the choice of learning activity organization forms and educational technology for the intensification of engineering and pedagogical training and professional mobility formation.
ISSN: 2706-6258
Appears in Collections:Факультет інженерно-педагогічної освіти

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