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Title: The Phenomenon of Pedagogical Innovation
Authors: Кравчук, Оксана Володимирівна
Keywords: innovation
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Будапешт
pedagogics of cooperation
Citation: O.Kravchuk The Phenomenon of Pedagogical Innovation./ Kravchuk Oksana. - BUDAPEST,2015. - C.9-12
Series/Report no.: UDK 37(477)(09);
Abstract: Based on the generalization of scientific works, the attempt was made to reveal the essence of innovation, to outline its denotative features in this paper. The material studied makes it possible to come to a conclusion that one of the most outstanding characteristics of a teacher-innovator is the ability of new pedagogical thinking. The implementation of the idea, evoked by new thinking, becomes an innovator’s inner belief, the imperative need of his soul, the sense of his life. The phenomenon of innovation consists in the combination of unordinary features of a teacher with his high level of professionalism and forward thinking. The phenomenon of innovation is also the core around which pioneer search is united. In our opinion, innovation is when the majority of teachers-innovators direct their research towards the education of a well-educated highly moral and spiritual personality rather than an individual-carrier of knowledge. This explains the fact that their pedagogical concepts contain elements of timeless, supranational, universal, i.e., the ones which will never lose their relevance. The combination of education and moral priority is the indicator which differentiates the greatest teachers on the background of traditional formal pedagogics. More and more innovators share the idea that the final purpose of education is, first of all, high moral characteristics, immaterial values, and then – knowledge, training and search for the most efficient ways of learning the total amount of teaching materials. Another important indication of innovation manifests in non-traditional perception of teacher-student relationship. So-called pedagogics of cooperation, based on the principles of humanism and creative approach to the development of a personality, is the most known innovative implementation which changes the opinion of the teacher-student relationship.
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