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Authors: Міщенко, Марина Сергіївна
Keywords: psychologist , burnout , professional activity , psychological defense mechanisms , individual psycholog i- cal characteristics .
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Mischenko M. S., Shelenkova N. L. Future Psychologists’ Burnout Syndrome: Results of an Empirical Study // Наука і освіта. – 2017. – №3. – 28–32.
Abstract: The issue of psychologists’ burnout is one of the most important in the aspect of improvement of future psychologists’ professional training.Mastering professional skills leads to a gradual change in the structure of future psychologists’personality: there is consolidation and intensive development of personal qualities that promote successful activity, on the one hand, and changes, inhibition and even destruction of balancing structures that are not involved in the process of professional development, on the other. The article deals with the relationship among burnout syndrome, psychological defense mechanisms and individual psychological characteristics. To achieve the goal of the study psychodiagnostic methods allowing to investigate future psychologists’ burnout syndrome have been used. Based on these data using correlation analysis the relationship among burnout syndrome, psychological def ense mechanisms and individual psychological characteristics has been revealed.
Appears in Collections:Факультет соціальної та психологічної освіти

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