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Title: Communicative leadership: who is the hero?
Authors: Сушкевич, Ольга Валентинівна
Keywords: communicative leadership
effective communication
communicative interplay
Issue Date: Mar-2021
Publisher: Умань : ВПЦ "Візаві"
Citation: Olha Sushkevych. Communicative leadership: who is the hero? Інновації в сучасній освіті: український та світовий контекст Інновації в сучасній освіті: український та світовий контекст: матеріали IV міжн. наук-практ. Інтернет-конф. (Умань‚ 16 квітня 2021 р.). Умань: Візаві‚2021. 287 с. 240-244.
Abstract: Every time we meet different people in our life. All of them play specific role in it but some play the biggest part – your mother, your boss, husband or wife, the president, your favourite actor or a dreadful politician, or Napoleon Bonaparte etc. Who knows but to some extend they influenced us and made us who we are. We absorb other people’s ideas and guidelines due to a very specific fluidic charisma, sometimes assertiveness or eagerness, manner of speaking or behavior etc. Everything that is called “communicative leadership”.
Appears in Collections:Факультет іноземних мов

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