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Authors: Литвиненко, Віктор Юрійович
Keywords: Stonehenge
Issue Date: Nov-2019
Publisher: "OMIDA"
Citation: 3. Литвиненко В.Ю. Stonehenge: scientific interpretation. Мова та мовлення: лінгвокультурологічний, комунікативний та дидактичний аспекти: матеріали І міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, (Кам’янець- Подільський, 20-21 листопада 2019 р.)
Abstract: The object of the research is the phenomenon of Stonehenge. The subject of the research is the existing theories of the Stonehenge's origin and peculiarities of its importance for society.
Description: After completing a series of studies and analyzing the above information, I came to the conclusion that Stonehenge has not only one purpose. The problem is that Stonehenge is a colossal building of that time, and for building it people have to get a great motivation (motive). Is it for science? Of course, it is a wonderful idea, but based on society's experience and some historical proofs the authorities and people are not going to spend the budget and resources on the development of science.
Appears in Collections:Факультет іноземних мов

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